False Or Misleading Information: A Guide To Navigating False Or Misleading Information Problems

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Have you provided the Department or the assessing authority or the medical officer of the Commonwealth information that is false or misleading? If you have provided this information, and the decision has already been made in relation to the visa in which the false or misleading information was provided, then you should get some guidance as to what to do next. If the Department is yet to make a decision, then it may be possible to withdraw the adverse application, as a positive step you may consider taking straightaway. 

What is important to understand is that the false or misleading information can be provided in relation to an application that is still pending, or the false and misleading information could have been provided in relation to an application that you held in the previous 12 months before you made the application which is pending.

If you are caught by the Public Interest Criteria, then the potential consequences include a 3 year ban. That ban increases to 10 years if the false or misleading information relates to identity. 

If you have a PIC 4020 issue then please consider booking a consultation with me here.

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