Australian Citizenship: A Guide To Becoming An Australian Citizen

Are you eligible for Australian Citizenship?

How to become an Australian citizen? To meet the general residence requirement for citizenship, you must have been living in Australia lawfully for a period of four (4) years and at least one (1) year as a Permanent Resident immediately before making an application.

All temporary visas, such as visitor visas, student visas, employer or partner-sponsored visas and all classes of bridging visas, can be counted towards the four years lawful residence period.

You may be absent from Australia for up to twelve (12) months within the four (4) years immediately before applying. However, the absence period cannot be counted unless you have already been present in Australia before.

Furthermore, you may be absent for up to ninety (90) days within the twelve (12) months of permanent residence immediately before applying. However, that’s on the proviso you return to Australia as a permanent resident.

Can I apply if my work requires overseas travel?

It is possible to meet a special residence requirement if you have work that requires you to travel regularly for at least two years before applying for Australian citizenship.

To meet this Australian citizenship criterion you must

  • ordinarily resident in Australia, with the last 12 months as a permanent resident of Australia
  • present in Australia for at least 480 days in total, with at least 120 days of this being during the last 12 months immediately before applying
  • not have been present in Australia as an unlawful non-citizen.

Contact us if you require any assistance with your application.

FAQ: Australian citizenship for children 15 years or younger.


Hi Nilesh
Thanks for time. I came in Australia 2007, then change to spouse visa , my wife did hairdressers course and we lodged TRA in 2009 and refused in 2010 under PIC (4020) circumstances and my first child born in 2010 and after long time we won the battle in 2019 and now we are on 485 visa till 26May2021 ,and under 10year child rule my son granted Australian citizenship and i have another child he is 2 year old .we are seeking best advise for your experience to settle permanently in Australia.Regards


Your options include making an application for Ministerial Intervention as you already have a decision of the tribunal in hand, although I noticed that it was handed down some time ago.

There is no time limit for making an application for ministerial intervention after the AAT decision.

This is the key to accessing the Minister’s power for the Minister to consider exercising his powers based on the fact that you have an Australian citizen child.

Even though your child is an Australian citizen, the child is less than 18 years old and cannot usually sponsor parents for any parent visas unless there is a relative or guardian who is either an Australian citizen or permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen. Other eligibility criteria also may be relevant.

When you are ready to get specific advice about your circumstances, please book a consultation with us to confirm your options.

Your Experience?

Please share your comments with me.

I’d love to know more about your experience with applying for citizenship!

95 Responses

  1. Hi. My husband is working here in Australia. I just arrived here on 27th of October 2022 and we got our Permanent Residency in September 2023. Can I apply for Citizenship together with my husband? Or do I need to stay for atleast 5years before I apply for citizenship?

  2. Hi
    I am a Thai, I got married with my husband Australian 15 years ago, I received my PR 7 years ago.
    Now I hold Residence return subclass(155)
    How can I apply Australian citizenship.
    How long I have to stay in Australia before apply Australian Citizenship.
    I will appreciate if you can advise more details.

  3. Hi Nilesh – My wife circumstance would be reasonably common, but I haven’t seen it directly addressed.
    She arrived to Australia on 25th Aug 2019 on a 600 visit visa for (6 months single entry) visa.
    On 20th Feb 2020 she left Australia for a decision to be made on her 309/100 application. on leaving Australia after 10 months she was granted the 309 visa. She returned to Australia on 27th Dec 2020 .
    Does her time in Australia from Aug 2019 count towards residency requirement for citizenship, or does the 10 months period from when she left Australia) until she arrived back on the 309/100 visa mean the clock was reset and she can’t apply for citizenship until July 2024?

  4. Hi
    I have got my PR IN 2003 ( sub class 155 ) and lived in Australia from March 2003 to November 2005 ( almost 2 years and 8 months) then I moved to Europe again but I kept my PR all these years until now. My husband is an Australian citizen and we moved back to Australia in September 2022. I have read that I am eligible to apply for citizenship by desertion so the ministry can take in account those years that I have been absent from Australian counts as years been here ( because I am the spouse of an Australian Citizen and I had income here that I paid tax on that ) is this correct?
    Could you answer this question for me? am I eligible to apply for Citizenship now?
    How about my daughter that is over 18 years and has been living with us?
    Appreciate your time and help.
    Kind regards

  5. I migrated to Australia in 1965 with my parents have worked all my life been married got kids and grandkids would like to go back to n Ireland to visit relatives and see where I was born I have never became a citizen I have a British passport peoples tell me I will need a visa to return to Australia

  6. Hi
    I was PhD student in Australia since Jan 2015 to June 2019,then I back tomy country.
    On 21 Nov 2022 I got PR 189 vsa and back to Australia on 16 March2023 till now,
    my question is, is the study duration (which is more than 4 years) counted to apply for citizen or I shoud stay again for at least 4 years?


  7. Hello!

    I have been a PR (subclass 190) since 29th Jan 2020, and I activated my visa on 7th Feb 2020 when I landed Australia.

    Before I got my PR, I flew to Australia from 7th Nov 2019 to 13th Nov 2019 with a travel visa. It was for house inspections and finding jobs.

    Does the travel visa period counted into the 4-year residency requirement for applying citizenship?

    Should I apply citizenship on 7th Nov 2023, or 7th Feb 2024?

    Thank you!

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