Australian Citizenship: A Guide To Becoming An Australian Citizen

Are you eligible for Australian Citizenship?

How to become an Australian citizen? To meet the general residence requirement for citizenship, you must have been living in Australia lawfully for a period of four (4) years and at least one (1) year as a Permanent Resident immediately before making an application.

All temporary visas, such as visitor visas, student visas, employer or partner-sponsored visas and all classes of bridging visas, can be counted towards the four years lawful residence period.

You may be absent from Australia for up to twelve (12) months within the four (4) years immediately before applying. However, the absence period cannot be counted unless you have already been present in Australia before.

Furthermore, you may be absent for up to ninety (90) days within the twelve (12) months of permanent residence immediately before applying. However, that’s on the proviso you return to Australia as a permanent resident.

Can I apply if my work requires overseas travel?

It is possible to meet a special residence requirement if you have work that requires you to travel regularly for at least two years before applying for Australian citizenship.

To meet this Australian citizenship criterion you must

  • ordinarily resident in Australia, with the last 12 months as a permanent resident of Australia
  • present in Australia for at least 480 days in total, with at least 120 days of this being during the last 12 months immediately before applying
  • not have been present in Australia as an unlawful non-citizen.

Contact us if you require any assistance with your application.

FAQ: Australian citizenship for children 15 years or younger.


Hi Nilesh
Thanks for time. I came in Australia 2007, then change to spouse visa , my wife did hairdressers course and we lodged TRA in 2009 and refused in 2010 under PIC (4020) circumstances and my first child born in 2010 and after long time we won the battle in 2019 and now we are on 485 visa till 26May2021 ,and under 10year child rule my son granted Australian citizenship and i have another child he is 2 year old .we are seeking best advise for your experience to settle permanently in Australia.Regards


Your options include making an application for Ministerial Intervention as you already have a decision of the tribunal in hand, although I noticed that it was handed down some time ago.

There is no time limit for making an application for ministerial intervention after the AAT decision.

This is the key to accessing the Minister’s power for the Minister to consider exercising his powers based on the fact that you have an Australian citizen child.

Even though your child is an Australian citizen, the child is less than 18 years old and cannot usually sponsor parents for any parent visas unless there is a relative or guardian who is either an Australian citizen or permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen. Other eligibility criteria also may be relevant.

When you are ready to get specific advice about your circumstances, pleasebook a consultationwith us to confirm your options.

Your Experience?

Please share your comments with me.

I’d love to know moreabout your experience with applying for citizenship!

95 Responses

  1. Hi Niliesh,

    My mother aged 91 has been leaving in Australia with me for the past 21 years since 2002. She is on a class 410 retirement visa that expires in 2031. She has 3 children, two living in the same country overseas and myself in Australia. Hence under the previous law she could not apply for citizenship. Has the law changed or would she be eligible for citizenship having stayed in Australia for over 2 decades?

  2. hello

    I was reading your post on your website regarding special residence requirements and exemptions. Im waiting until time is up from previous overseas travel then will engage your services in applying for my Australian Citizenship.

    Im a New Zealand Citizen, who has been living in Australia approximately 12years. During that time, I have regularly worked overseas on vessels and platforms

    I recently started a job working for an Australian Company, Bayu Undan Gas Platform which is in the Timor Sea. For the job, we fly from Darwin to Timor Leste then out to the platform.

    My concerns are – will this job stop me from being able to get my citizenship? While I have regularly left Australia to engage in these activities over the 12years I have been in Australia, In the last 4years I have only been working on Australian based platforms and rigs – often in a casual nature.

    At the current point in time I cannot apply for my citizenship until about mid September due to non work related overseas travel, however I was hoping to ASAP after then.

    Im just wondering how I go about getting a clear cut answer as to whether this work will stop me from being eligible as ill have to quit if it means I won’t be elligible

    Thanks for your help

  3. My husband has been in Australian since 2017, has been a permanent resident since June 2019 can he apply for citizenship? When we tried on the site, he was ineligible?
    Are we missing something?

  4. Nelish this is very helpful, but I meet three criteria you mentioned but I am still unable to apply for citizenship. following are my dates.

    First Entry on PR 189 – 11 Sep 2018

    Absence dates since then
    7 oct 2018 to 11 march 2020 – absent
    17 Dec 2021 to 11 Jan 2022 – absent
    2 May 2022 to 13 June 2022- absent
    15 Feb 2023 to 27 Mar 2023- absent

    When can I Apply for Citizenship? why I am unable to apply now even the calculator is giving me go ahead to apply.

  5. Nelish this is very helpful.

    I am unable to proceed with application for citizenship. following are my dates.

    First Entry on PR 189 – 11 Sep 2018

    Absence dates since then
    7 oct 2018 to 11 march 2020 – absent
    17 Dec 2021 to 11 Jan 2022 – absent
    2 May 2022 to 13 June 2022- absent
    15 Feb 2023 to 27 Mar 2023- absent

    When can I Apply for Citizenship? why I am unable to apply now even the calculator is giving me go ahead to apply.

  6. Hello and Good Morning.
    My son is a British Citizen and has been living here since he was three months old in 2001. He is also Permanent Resident here.
    In 2019, he went to the UK and has been there now since then. He is now qualified with a degree in Criminology. He will be coming back here after the graduation in July 2023. He says he is missing Australia.
    He wold like to work in the Police Department. Can be apply for an Australian Citizenship?
    Thank you.

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