Immigration Guides

Health Waiver: A Guide To Health Waivers For Australian Visas

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Health Requirements – Health Waivers

There is little point in meeting specific visa criteria unless you first consider the applicable health requirement and whether any health waiver is available if the health criteria are not satisfied.

To meet the health requirement, Australian visa applicants must do two things:

Firstly, the visa applicant must complete any requested immigration health examinations.

Secondly, the visa applicant must be assessed by a Medical Officer of the Commonwealth (“MOC”) as not having either: active Tuberculosis (TB); or a condition that may result in them being a threat to public health or a danger to the community; or
a condition that is likely to result in a significant cost to the Australian community in the areas of health care and community services.

If your health condition falls into any of these three categories, then you’ll need to explore whether an opportunity to seek a health waiver is open to you.

Meaning Of “Significant Cost”

In the Australian visa health waiver context, the notion of significant cost refers to the potential financial burden that an individual’s health condition may impose on the Australian community in terms of healthcare and community services. As an immigration lawyer, I understand that when assessing the health requirement, the Medical Officer of the Commonwealth (MOC) takes into account projected costs associated with managing the applicant’s condition.

To determine the likely costs, the MOC utilizes per capita data on health and community service expenditures. For temporary visa applicants, the estimation is based on their period of stay, while for permanent visa applicants, it generally covers a five-year period, or three years for individuals aged 75 or older. In cases of permanent or ongoing conditions with a reasonably predictable course, the MOC estimates the costs to the community over the remaining life expectancy of the applicant, up to a maximum of ten years.

It is important to note that the mere presence of a disease or health condition does not automatically result in a failure to meet the health requirement due to significant costs. The actual costs depend on the nature and severity of the specific disease or condition.

If an applicant’s condition is determined to likely be a significant cost, the visa will not be granted unless a health waiver is available and exercised. In such cases, where the projected costs are deemed to be AUD 51,000 or higher, they are regarded as significant.

The consideration of significant costs in health waivers is aimed at maintaining the sustainability of the Australian healthcare system and ensuring responsible allocation of resources. It seeks to protect the interests of Australian taxpayers and ensures that limited healthcare and community services are available to citizens and residents.

Applicants who are found to potentially pose a significant cost without the availability of a health waiver may have their visa applications refused. However, it is crucial to consult with an experienced immigration lawyer to assess the specific circumstances and explore potential options for demonstrating mitigating factors or exceptional circumstances that could warrant a health waiver.

Understanding the concept of significant healthcare and community service costs is vital when navigating the Australian visa application process, particularly in cases where an applicant’s health condition may have potential financial implications. By seeking professional guidance and presenting a well-documented case, individuals can better navigate the health waiver assessment and increase their chances of a successful visa application.


Health Undertaking

A MOC may request that an applicant sign an undertaking to meet the health requirement. For example, you may need to undertake to rock up for medicals at regular intervals.

Visas For Which A Health Waiver Must Be Considered

For a list of visas for which a health waiver must be considered, refer to the Department of Home Affairs website for visas that have a health waiver provision page.

Health Criteria – Nilesh Nandan Immigration Lawyer

PIC (Public Interest Criterion) 4007

A health waiver can be exercised in accordance with PIC 4007(2) if the visa applicant (or non-migrating family member) has failed to meet the health requirement. This is because, in accordance with PIC 4007(1)(c), a MOC has assessed them as having a disease or condition that is (a) likely to result in significant health care and community service costs; or (b) prejudice the access of Australian citizens or permanent residents to such services;
and (c) visa applicant(s) satisfies all other criteria for the grant of the visa, and (d) the visa decision-maker is satisfied that the granting of the visa would be unlikely to result in (e) undue cost to the Australian community, or (f) undue prejudice to the access to health care or community services of an Australian citizen or permanent resident.

Meaning Of “Undue”

The courts have indicated that a broad range of discretionary considerations can be taken into account in determining whether costs or prejudice to access are “undue”. Discretionary considerations may include mitigation of costs or services or consideration of compelling and compassionate circumstances. Close family links to Australia and reasons why the family would find it difficult to return to their home country, or both, may be relevant.

Non-Migrating Members Of The Family Unit

Thinking of not including a person with a health condition in any family application as a non-migration partner? You’ll need to think this through carefully.

If the person who has failed to meet the health requirement is a non-migrating family unit member, you’ll need to detail the arrangements in place for the person’s care and welfare and the likelihood of their future migration.

If it is assessed that it is very unlikely or impossible that the non-migrating family unit member will ever migrate to Australia, this may add weight to arguments in favour of exercising the waiver.

If, however, the care arrangements are of a recent nature of the arrangements may not be appropriate for the long-term (for example, very young child/children left in the care of elderly grandparents), it is open to the officer to assess that it is likely that the child/children will ultimately seek to migrate. If so, an assessment must be made that considers all health waiver aspects as if the non-migrating family member did migrate, that is (a) how the waiver applicant and/or their family could migrate costs, care and/or prejudice to access and (b) the strength and details of any compassionate and compelling circumstances.

Important Points

All visas have some health requirement and not all visas have a health waiver available.

It is often the case that if one member of a family unit has a health condition and fails the health requirement, all others will fail unless a waiver is available and exercised in the applicant’s favour. If you think you have a health waiver problem, please book a consult so I can help clarify things for you!

Health Problems and Their Implications in the Australian Immigration Law Context

Australia, like many other countries, has established immigration laws to regulate the entry and stay of foreign nationals within its borders. These laws aim to protect public health, safety, and national interests. Health problems can present challenges for individuals seeking to apply for a visa to enter Australia. This article examines the impact of health problems on visa applications under the Australian immigration law framework.

Overview of Australian Immigration Law:

Australian immigration law comprises various statutes, regulations, and policies that govern the entry, stay, and departure of individuals in the country. The primary legislation governing immigration is the Migration Act 1958, which outlines the visa application process, eligibility criteria, and grounds for refusal or cancellation of visas.

Health Requirements for Visa Applications: To protect public health and prevent the burden on the Australian healthcare system, the Australian Government imposes health requirements for visa applicants. The Department of Home Affairs administers these requirements, which involve medical examinations and health assessments. These assessments are conducted to ensure that applicants do not have any health conditions that could pose a threat to public health or place excessive demand on healthcare services.

Implications of Health Problems in Visa Applications: Visa Cancellation and Refusal:

Health problems can lead to visa cancellation or refusal if they are deemed to pose a significant risk to public health, pose a threat to national security, or impose undue financial burdens on the Australian healthcare system. The Migration Act allows the Department of Home Affairs to cancel or refuse a visa if an applicant fails to meet the health requirements.

Character Grounds:

Health problems may also have implications under the “character” grounds for visa applications. The character test assesses whether an individual’s presence in Australia may be a risk to the community. Health issues that are associated with criminal activity, substance abuse, or violence may raise concerns and impact visa outcomes.

Health Conditions and Their Impact on Visa Applications:

Communicable Diseases: Applicants with certain communicable diseases, such as tuberculosis or hepatitis, may face additional scrutiny during the visa application process. They may be required to undergo further medical examinations or provide evidence of treatment and control of their condition.

Mental Health Conditions:

Mental health conditions can also affect visa applications. While having a mental health condition alone does not automatically result in visa refusal, it may be considered if the condition is likely to result in harm to the applicant or others or if it poses a risk to the Australian community.

Chronic or Expensive Medical Conditions:

Applicants with chronic or expensive medical conditions may face challenges in meeting the health requirements. The Department of Home Affairs considers the potential cost of healthcare and ongoing treatment when assessing visa applications, especially for long-term stay or permanent residency.

Temporary Visas and Health Waivers:

In some cases, individuals with health problems may be eligible for temporary visas through the use of health waivers. Health waivers provide discretionary powers to waive the health requirements if certain criteria are met, such as the applicant’s ability to mitigate the risk or the existence of compelling and compassionate circumstances. However, it is important to note that not all visa classes offer health waiver relief.

Permanent Residency and Health Issues:

Health problems can be particularly relevant in visa applications for permanent residency in Australia. Applicants for permanent visas are subject to stricter health requirements due to the longer-term commitment and potential impact on the Australian healthcare system. The Migration Regulations outline the specific health criteria for permanent residency, including the use of the Medical Treatment Visa (subclass 602) pathway for applicants with health conditions that do not meet the usual health requirements.

Undue Cost and Prejudice to Access Healthcare:

The concept of “undue cost” is an important consideration in health-related visa decisions. The Australian Government aims to protect its taxpayers by ensuring that individuals with significant health issues that would impose a substantial financial burden on the healthcare system are not granted visas. This criterion seeks to maintain the sustainability and accessibility of healthcare services for Australian citizens and residents.

Furthermore, the concept of “prejudice to access healthcare” takes into account the potential impact of visa grants on the ability of Australians to access healthcare services. If the presence of an individual with health problems is likely to impede access to limited healthcare resources, it may be a ground for visa refusal or cancellation.

Immigration lawyer help when health waiver issues arise:

Health problems can create obstacles in visa applications under the Australian immigration law framework. Understanding the implications of health conditions and the corresponding health requirements is crucial for prospective applicants. By being aware of these challenges and providing necessary supporting documents, individuals can better navigate the visa application process and increase their chances of a successful outcome.

While some visa classes offer health waiver relief, it is important to recognize that many do not. The concepts of “undue cost” and “prejudice to access healthcare” guide the visa decision-making process to protect the Australian healthcare system and ensure access to healthcare for its citizens.

Seeking professional guidance from immigration experts or lawyers specializing in Australian immigration law can help applicants navigate these complexities effectively.

As an experienced immigration lawyer, I can provide valuable assistance to individuals facing challenges related to health issues in their Australian visa applications. I can offer guidance and support to various individuals, including:

  1. Visa Applicants with Health Conditions: If you have a health condition that may impact your visa application, I can assess your situation, review the specific visa requirements, and provide advice on the potential implications of your health condition. I can help you understand the health waiver process, gather necessary documentation, and present a strong case to maximize your chances of obtaining a visa.
  2. Families with Health-Related Visa Issues: If you are part of a family where one or more members have health conditions that could affect the visa application outcome for the entire family, I can assist in navigating the “one fail all fail” rule. I can provide guidance on presenting compelling evidence, advocating for the family’s unique circumstances, and exploring potential options to overcome the health-related obstacles in the visa application process.
  3. Applicants Seeking Health Waivers: If you believe you may be eligible for a health waiver due to exceptional circumstances or mitigating factors related to your health condition, I can guide you through the health waiver application process. I will work with you to gather supporting evidence, prepare persuasive arguments, and present a compelling case to the Department of Home Affairs.
  4. Individuals with Complex Health Situations: If you have complex health conditions or multiple health-related issues, I can provide comprehensive advice and assistance. I can help you navigate the intricacies of the health requirements, identify potential challenges, and develop strategies to address them effectively in your visa application.
  5. Applicants for Temporary and Permanent Visas: Whether you are applying for a temporary visa or seeking permanent residency in Australia, I can provide tailored advice and guidance specific to your situation. I will ensure that you understand the health requirements, assess your eligibility, and assist in presenting your case in the best possible light to the Department of Home Affairs.

Navigating the Australian immigration system, particularly with health-related challenges, can be complex and overwhelming. As an experienced immigration lawyer, my goal is to provide you with personalized support and expert guidance throughout the visa application process. I will work closely with you to understand your unique circumstances, address any concerns, and help you achieve the best possible outcome for your Australian visa application.

Your Experience?

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I’d love to know more about your experience withhealth waivers!

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    • Hi Kenji,

      You can book a consultation with me by visiting [](

      For complex matters, please schedule a formal consultation. For simpler queries, you're welcome to use my 10-minute service.

      Looking forward to helping you further! 😊

      Nilesh Nandan
      Immigration Lawyer & Special Counsel
      MyVisa® Immigration Law Advisory

  • Hello sir,
    My brother and her wife having hiv.They are reside in Canberra from last 3 yrs.Can they get PR

  • I have got s57 invitation to comment for health waiver consideration as I have failed my medical under PIC 4007(1)(c)(ii)(A)..
    I have been asked lot of documents but among the I am unable to understand few,
    Can you please explain and do I must have to provide it?;

     Information summarizing any existing care arrangements for the waiver applicant, current use of community services and the impact (if applicable) that the condition has on the waiver applicant’s day to day tasks.
     Information concerning any Australian children who may be adversely effected by a decision not to waive the need to meet the health requirement (please provide evidence of Child Support commitments, shared care/living arrangements etc, and evidence of what adverse effects the children would suffer);
     Any other documentation concerning your ability to mitigate the potential costs, care (or prejudice to access) identified.
     Evidence of any other compassionate and compelling circumstances which you consider relevant (such as evidence of any factors preventing your sponsor from joining you in your own country, or in another country, or evidence of caring responsibilities for elderly parents/relatives);
     Information regarding non-migrating family members, including what arrangements have been put in place for their care, how long those arrangements have been in place, what alternative arrangements are in place should the current ones become unavailable, and what the likelihood of them is ultimately applying to migrate to Australia.

  • Hi
    What is the health waiver processing time? How many day it's take after applying for health waiver?

    • Thank you very much for your post. Here are the first three (3) things that come to my mind. There may also be other important issues that arise from your particular circumstances. Please seek specific immigration law advice before taking any further steps. It could be that I have misunderstood you :).

      1. There is no processing time published for this.

      2. It will depend on the complexity associated with assessing whether the way that is available and whether it should to be exercised in the applicant's favour. Sometimes it takes a lot of time for medical conditions to be properly assessed.

      3. Another factor which might come into play is the type of visa applied for. You should expect labour applications in respect of temporary visas to be finalised sooner than waiver applications in respect of permanent resident Visa applications.

      Regards Nilesh Nandan Immigration Lawyer & Special Counsel MyVisa® Immigration Law Advisory

      For greater clarity about your immigration issue you can book in a quick 10-minute-chat with me here:

      *In the interest of speed, my communications are transcribed and transmitted using voice-to-text software – please ignore any unintended typographical or interpretation errors. Please also see the standard Notes and Disclosures which apply to my communications. These are located at the footer of my work emails.

      • Dear sir,
        What can be likely or proper reply for the following,
         Information concerning any Australian children who may be adversely effected by a decision not to waive the need to meet the health requirement (please provide evidence of Child Support commitments, shared care/living arrangements etc, and evidence of what adverse effects the children would suffer);
         Any other documentation concerning your ability to mitigate the potential costs, care (or prejudice to access) identified.
         Evidence of any other compassionate and compelling circumstances which you consider relevant (such as evidence of any factors preventing your sponsor from joining you in your own country, or in another country, or evidence of caring responsibilities for elderly parents/relatives);
         Information regarding non-migrating family members, including what arrangements have been put in place for their care, how long those arrangements have been in place, what alternative arrangements are in place should the current ones become unavailable, and what the likelihood of them is ultimately applying to migrate to Australia.

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